
Friday, April 29, 2011

Korea, Here I Come!

Finally, another one of my dreams is coming true. I'll be visiting Korea from 5 - 10 May.
Am very excited. Was informed of a much cheaper tour package just a few days ago. I was without a traveling partner to share the accommodation cost but the agency found another female solo traveler just yesterday.

The tour itinerary may not include the places that I really wish to go to if I were to travel on my own but it's good enough for my first visit.

For this trip, I'll be visiting:

The above are touristy places commonly found in tour packages. I'm not very keen on the waterpark and Everland. I'd most likely be snapping pics of these places rather than queuing and taking rides.

The highlight I must say is the lantern parade. I wish to see a colourful local traditional celebration.

What I wish is that I'd get to explore the streets of Jongno on my own at a leisurely pace without the tour guide on the second half of Days 5 & 6.

Can't wait!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Don't You Know

** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog, dated March 9, 2011.


Have been up to no good by Youtubing too much. Came across another song that I really love, for now.

Don't You Know is sung by Han Hyo-Joo and No Reply for the 2010 Grand Mint Festival in Korea. Han is an actress while No Reply is a duo in the Korean indie music scene.

Love the guitar intro, the lively rhythm, catchy tune and the chords arrangement. Have been trying hard to find the chords - nearly there. Too bad my guitar skill is too limited  to identify the chords that the guitarist is playing - they are beyond me.

Check out the MV at Youtube by HanNangJa.

Here's a recording of their live performance on Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook which airs on KBS2 on Sundays. I thought Han's vocal is too weak though.

(Youtube upload by bhhanhyojoo, Oct 22, 2010)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sang Myung Master Choral Concert

** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog, dated January 20, 2011.


I had the opportunity to attend the Sang Myung Master Choral (SMCC) Concert which was held on Jan 19 at the Auditorium of Sabah Theological Seminary. They were invited by the Sabah Council of Churches and it was also their inaugural performance outside of Korea.

Deb picked me up and drove up the lil hill to the STS hostel. From there we walked up the steps to the new auditorium.

It was my first time there and the spanking new auditorium was impressive!


The 25-member choir were led by Chang Eun Im, the conductor, and accompanied by three pianists. The SMMC was founded in 2004 and is composed of vocal major students from the college of music of Sang Myung University.

One of my favourite songs, Nella Fantasia, was sung that night since it is all the rage now in Korea. It is due to a KBS variety show, The Qualification of Men, which had featured the process of an assembled choir practicing for and participating in a national choir competition.

I enjoyed myself so much that night! It was indeed a world class performance of beautiful voices in harmony.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Acoustic Version

** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog, dated August 16, 2010.


Found this video which was downloaded by my bro in the Recycle Bin. Glad I heard it.

Here's IU's acoustic version of SNSD's 'Gee', Big Bang's 'Lies' and Super Junior's 'Sorry, Sorry' on Yu Hui-Yeol's Sketchbook. The talented girl is only 15 years old. Admire her guitar-playing skill and vocal.

Just love how an acoustic guitar can change the feel and mood of the usual K-pop music.

Youtube source unknown.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog, dated August 11, 2010.


Am currently listening to a catchy tune by KARA, a 5-member girl group from Korea. I just love the accompanying dance to one their songs, Mister.

Some may shun their routine and question why these sweet young girls, between late teens and early twenties, are dancing so sexily, but I choose to view their dance purely as a form of creative art, matching the current K-pop culture.

(Youtube upload by listenjessi, Oct 2, 2009)

This song which was released last year has gained such popularity in Japan that they have recorded and released a Japanese version to cater to the market.

(Youtube upload by Naituir2007, July 27, 2010)

And here's a dance version of Mister.

(Youtube upload by eeling1, Aug 13, 2010)


Friday, April 15, 2011

Late Night Crush

** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog written exactly a year ago.


What did I chance upon on the telly near midnight yesterday?

My favourite Korean drama's male lead, Lee Min Ki, receiving his Baeksang Award.

Lee Min Ki on the telly
March 14: Home

He is keeping longer hair. I thought he looked better with short hair.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog written exactly a year ago.


Am currently going crazy listening, over and over again, to one of Chuno's OST, entitled Stigma / Brand sung by Yim Jae-Beom. He has such a manly voice and though initially I didn't know what he was singing, I thought that his feelings were clearly emoted through the song. (The Youtube embedded here displays the English translation of the lyrics).

'Chuno' or The Slave Hunters is currently aired on ASTRO's 303 KBS channel every Wednesday and Thursday night at 9 p.m. Though I don't follow the series, I really like this OST (Original Sound Track) when I first heard it in January.

(Youtube uploaded by changmin510, Jan 17, 2010)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dalja's Spring

** This is an imported blog post from Sophie's personal blog written exactly a year ago.


There's always a first time and Sophie was driven enough to go and search for her favourite Korean drama at a few music stores on a Saturday until she found what she was looking for at RM79.90.

Actually, I'm not someone who will reread a book or re-watch a movie and neither do I waste my money on DVD movies or series knowing full well that I'd never watch them again.

But yes, I like this series too much and would like to get a copy for keepsake and view some parts that I've missed.

That night itself, Sophie followed up on the missing episodes and re-watched some poignant scenes.

Oh Dal Ja

Kang Tae Bong

Sophie was kept awake until 5.30 a.m. and continued the series later on Sunday till the wee hours of Monday morning!

Obsessed? Yes.

But she's satisfied now that she has got it out of the way once and for all.

The whole set is now lying idle. Anyone keen to borrow it?